Connect Smarter with

Intelligent Networking Solutions

Transform networking at your event with Appsaya’s AI Networking feature. Leverage machine-learning algorithms to facilitate meaningful connections and enhance networking opportunities for attendees, speakers, and exhibitors.

AI-Powered Matchmaking:

Leverage sophisticated algorithms to automatically suggest connections that align with attendee profiles, interests, and professional goals. Our AI matchmaking ensures that participants meet individuals who can drive meaningful interactions and forge valuable partnerships.

Smart Recommendations:

Receive customized recommendations by email and through the Business-Matching Platform tailored to attendee preferences and interests. Our AI analyzes participant data to suggest the most relevant networking opportunities, helping attendees make the most of their event experience.

Real-Time Interaction Insights:

Access real-time analytics to track networking patterns and engagement levels. Monitor interactions, identify key connectors, and assess the effectiveness of networking activities, allowing you to make data-driven decisions and enhance the overall event experience.

Customized Networking Schedules:

Allow attendees to create and adjust personalized networking schedules based on their interests and goals. With real-time updates, they can manage their availability and coordinate meetings efficiently, ensuring they connect with the right people at the best times.

Enhanced Profiles:

Allow attendees to create and update detailed profiles based on their roles : Exhibitors (Sellers), Visitors (Buyers), Sponsors, Speakers etc. before and during the event. Profiles can include basic information, links to YouTube videos, brochures, preferences, expertise, and desired deals, providing a comprehensive overview for more effective networking.

Automated Meeting Proposals: 

Automatically generate meeting proposals based on AI analysis of attendee profiles and interaction data. Tailored to individual interests and goals, these proposals sent by emails simplify the process of connecting with relevant contacts and ensuring your attendees connect to the Business-Matching Platform 

Ready to streamline your event registration?

Contact us for a demo or learn more about how Appsaya can enhance your event management.